lundi 20 mai 2019

Semaine du 13 au 17 mai


What a great week we had!
In reading, we were working on retelling the story with details and using our own words. We worked individually and with a partner. A great partnership has been made between students. Many students did very well at helping their partners to read and self-correct.

In Social Studies, we studied real maps of Ontario and other regions. The students realized that every map had a legend and that different color and symbols were used to identify certain elements. Then, we used the ipads to look for maps to help us fill out a blank map of Ontario. The students had to create their legend and identify the capital, the Great Lakes, some major parks, and 2 towns of their choice. 

In sciences, we did our last experiment before the big project. We tested different shapes to determine which are the strongest and the weakest. All the experiments that we did are very helpful for the final project of building a bridge out of recycling materials.  Project is due on May 30th to be presented and tested. :)

The school is playing kindness tag. We were tag by the grade 8 class. They organized fitness stations for us. It was amazing and the students had fun. Now it is our turn to organized something to another class. I won't tell on that blog which class we have tagged to keep it a surprise. 

Important dates: 
EQAO : May 22,23,24, 27,28,29.
Sciences project due May 30

dimanche 12 mai 2019

Semaines du 29 avril au 10 mai

Bonjour tout le monde,

On Thursday, May 4th was the multicultural potluck night. Thanks to anyone that was able to attend. It was a really great event. The walls of the school were filled out of students' art project and it looked amazing.

In writing, the students finished correcting and coloring their Easter Bunny stories. We have started to work on poetry. Reading many poems and making a list of characteristics of a poem. We looked at different rime patterns. The students wrote a small poem and made a beautiful flower for the Mothers Day. We will continue to work on poetry.

In Social Studies, we have learned about the different relief of Ontario (physiographic regions) such as les basses-teres du St-Laurent et des Grands Lacs, les basses-terres de la Baie d'Hudson et le Bouclier canadien. We have discussed good and the bad side of a mine, and learning to write our opinion on the subject using the information of the text.

Lots of reading have been done (individual, in peer). Students showed great partnership skills during those sessions: listening to the partner, helping to correct. Students are improving their reading skills but it is not the time to stop practicing as the books are getting more complex.
Speaking in French during French class has been discussed more often in the past two weeks as many students have shown some difficulties in that domain.

Dates to remember:
May 22,23,24,27,28,29: EQAO tests

lundi 29 avril 2019

Semaines du 15 au 26 avril


What an awesome 2 weeks we had. We had the chance to participate in 3 different dance lessons. Those lessons were offert by Luv 2 Groove. The students learn an hip-hop dance, an african dance, and a bollywood dance. They were really creative with their freestyle mouvement as they explored different style of dance.

In reading, we have been working on reading response to develop more our opinion about the book we have read. We have been working on explaining why we like to book using ideas and examples from the book, making connections, and talking about our favorite part.

In writing, we have been working on the Easter bunny story following the structure of a narrative story (beginning, middle with a problem and a solution, and the end).

We learned some grammar about ''ses''(his-hers)  and ''c'est'' (this) because many students are not using those words properly. We have created an anchor chart together. We will continue to work on this next week. 

In social studies, we continued to learn about the resources in Ontario: the forest, the mine, and the lakes. We reviewed the different maps of Ontario that the students filled out. Maps with some of the major towns, the Great Lakes, and another one with the regions. 

For visual arts, we have been working on 2 beautiful projects using 2 different techniques of painting. I will make the students chose one of their pieces to pull it out for the Potluck on Thursday May 2nd.

mardi 16 avril 2019

Du 28 mars au 11 avril 2019


Lots happen in Grade 3 in the past weeks. In writing, we have been continuing working on the small moments. We discussed ideas on what can be a good small moment story.
We did lots of learning in sciences. We are continuing to learn about structures. We revised what makes a structure stable by making the base larger and heavier (élargissant et alourdissant la base). Then, we learned that we can modify material to make it stronger. We did an experiment, using paper. By folding the paper 3 different ways to test which way would be the stronger to support a charge.

In reading, we are continuing practicing our fluency and decoding new words. Great partnership happen during the reading period.

In visual art, the student did amazing with the painting project. They followed the instructions and that lead to produce great art piece that respect the technique that was taught. 

In health, the students worked really hard on their pamphlet and the results are fabulous. 

lundi 25 mars 2019

Semaine du 18 au 22 mars 2019


Lots happen in the past week. In French, we discuss the difference between ''mes'' and ''mais'' as it have the same sound but not the same meaning. So we used a little trick. If you can replace 'mes' with 'les' and it makes sense then you use 'mes' . If you replace by 'les' and it makes not sense then you use 'mais'.

In reading, we are still continuing to work on paying attention to the word endings using many strategies such as looking carefully, taking our times, pointing at words if that helps, and asking if it makes sense. 

In sciences, we continued to work on stable structure. Making experiment on what can make a tower more stable. We found out that making a large base and making the base more heavy make the structure more stable. 

In writing, we are working on writing about small moment. We use picture to visualize (melon, slice, seed).  We will continue to work on that in the next week.

In social studies, we worked in team to find information about where are the cities on a map. The students worked really well with the ipads. They respected the rules about using technology. They were able to find maps to help them figured out where the cities were on a blank map of Ontario.

lundi 4 mars 2019

Semaines du 18 février au 1er mars

Bonjour tout le monde,

It was nice to finally be able to go skating. The students did really well. Many of them got better to it and it was nice to see them improve. Special thanks to all the volunteers :)

In French, we were working on grammar. We continued with the plural of nouns by adding the adjective. We talked about writing the adjective and the nouns in plural. (All the words in the group need to be on the same ''team'' : singular or plural). For example: singular : un petit chat; plural : des petits chats (all the words are either singular or plural).

Last week, we worked on writing a new story. Working step by step to make sure we developed each part properly, discussing the words that we would need for each part according to the picture provided. The students are now working on the correction focusing on using the word wall and dictionary to ensure the sight words are correctly spelled. Some students have started to do the covert pages of their book.

In reading, we are still practicing to pay more attention to the word endings using our strategies such as looking at the words til the end of it, asking yourself if it makes sense, pointing the words if need it, taking our time to read.

In science, we worked on the ''structure stable''. We discussed what we already know, and shared some questions that we have. We defined some science vocabulary as one of our objective is to communicate using proper French vocabulary. We worked in teams to do a first experiment using 3 different size of toilet paper rolls: small, medium, and tall. First, we shared prediction (hypothèse), then realised the experiment respecting the procedure and filling out the chart with the results. We described what happened (communiquer les résultats) and finished with the conclusion (explication of why the tallest fall first). 

In Social studies, we are continuing to identify parts, town, the great Lakes on a map. Learning about the official symbol of Ontario (trille, huard). 

March Scolastics order due on March 18th.
March break 11th to 15th.   

jeudi 14 février 2019

Semaine du 4 au 14 février 2019


The students worked hard on their fictional story. We learned about using transition words to make it easier to follow the story and the divide the story. We shared our stories with partners, and worked on making good comments and constructive comments to other improve their stories.

We had a special activities with the grade one to help them drawing and to some physical activities. The students loved it. They were communicate in French with their little friends which make them good model for them. 

In social studies, we started the new unit on Ontario. We began by identifying on a map what is around Ontario. In sciences, we also started the new unit on structure. We began by filling out the first part of chart (SDA: je sais, je me demande, j'ai appris). Then we learned about asking good questions with the proper French structure. 

We were in charge of the January Assembly (we did it early February). The students prepared amazing posters on perseverance using French sentences. Everyone loved the posters. 

Almost everyone has finished with the Art project with the mountains and the watercolour paint. The results are fabulous .  The students are really proud of themself. 

14 février: Report Cards go home
15 février: PD Day no school
18 février: Family Day no school

dimanche 3 février 2019

Semaine du 28 janvier au 1er février 2019


Lots happened in the last 2 weeks.

In writing, we worked on writing a story with details that make sense. We used the picture of shawarma to explain the concept.  For example, good shawarma will have the humous, the meat, the right vegetable in it, like cucumber, tomatoes, onions. All those ingredients go together. It is like the details of the story go with that story, to make sense.
Also, we talked about not putting too many ingredients in the shawarma, so it is possible to wrap the pita without breaking it so everything stays together and it is easier to eat it. Like a story, there are just enough details to make it interesting. Not enough detail make the story a little bit boring, too many details make the story difficult to follow.

We learned about the structure of a fictional story, using a plan and many books as examples. We used a funny version of the 3 little pigs as the main example. The students are working on creating their own version of the three little "something". Someone is writing about "Les trois petits poissons et le grand méchant requin".

In art, we did a project that mixes many techniques such as using pencil and watercolor paint. This project is using lines and perception. The artist is Jen Aranyi. We are creating beautiful mountains and colorful sky.  
Jen Aranyi's artwork.

Little artists at work!
In the past 2 weeks, the students have been evaluated in reading. A little update has been sent home on Friday, February 1st. A new objective will be to work on the word endings.
For example, in the word "petite", the "e" at the end (I call it "le E magique") tells us to sound out the "t". But in the word "petit", the "t" is silent because there is no "e" at the end. 

Friday, February 8th: skating 

lundi 21 janvier 2019

Semaine du 14 au 18 janvier 2019

Bonjour ,

This week, the students continued to work on publishing their Santa Claus story. They worked on the illustrations and on the cover page. Most of them have almost finished. Here is some examples:

We used some time to revise for the Social Studies quiz (on Tuesday January 22th). So we discussed about what are the main ideas of what we have learned about the pioneers. We underlined specific informations to study.

Skating Forms went home on Friday January 18th. We are going skating on February 1st, 8, 22 and March 1st from 11:30 to 12:50. Please let me know if you would like to come to help, you are more than welcome.

In Art, the students learned how to draw like Vincent Van Gogh, using different lines.

We have started to do active pause during the day as the students got the routine so well. They know that after the active pause they have to go back to work right away. :)

Scholastic forms have been send on Friday. If you would like to order some books, you can either send me your order with a check to Scholastic or you can find my name under the school to order online.

January 25th is a PD Day (no school for students)