mardi 16 avril 2019

Du 28 mars au 11 avril 2019


Lots happen in Grade 3 in the past weeks. In writing, we have been continuing working on the small moments. We discussed ideas on what can be a good small moment story.
We did lots of learning in sciences. We are continuing to learn about structures. We revised what makes a structure stable by making the base larger and heavier (élargissant et alourdissant la base). Then, we learned that we can modify material to make it stronger. We did an experiment, using paper. By folding the paper 3 different ways to test which way would be the stronger to support a charge.

In reading, we are continuing practicing our fluency and decoding new words. Great partnership happen during the reading period.

In visual art, the student did amazing with the painting project. They followed the instructions and that lead to produce great art piece that respect the technique that was taught. 

In health, the students worked really hard on their pamphlet and the results are fabulous. 

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