Bonjour tout le monde,
On Thursday, May 4th was the multicultural potluck night. Thanks to anyone that was able to attend. It was a really great event. The walls of the school were filled out of students' art project and it looked amazing.
In writing, the students finished correcting and coloring their Easter Bunny stories. We have started to work on poetry. Reading many poems and making a list of characteristics of a poem. We looked at different rime patterns. The students wrote a small poem and made a beautiful flower for the Mothers Day. We will continue to work on poetry.
In Social Studies, we have learned about the different relief of Ontario (physiographic regions) such as les basses-teres du St-Laurent et des Grands Lacs, les basses-terres de la Baie d'Hudson et le Bouclier canadien. We have discussed good and the bad side of a mine, and learning to write our opinion on the subject using the information of the text.
Lots of reading have been done (individual, in peer). Students showed great partnership skills during those sessions: listening to the partner, helping to correct. Students are improving their reading skills but it is not the time to stop practicing as the books are getting more complex.
Speaking in French during French class has been discussed more often in the past two weeks as many students have shown some difficulties in that domain.
Dates to remember:
May 22,23,24,27,28,29: EQAO tests
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