The students worked hard on their fictional story. We learned about using transition words to make it easier to follow the story and the divide the story. We shared our stories with partners, and worked on making good comments and constructive comments to other improve their stories.
We had a special activities with the grade one to help them drawing and to some physical activities. The students loved it. They were communicate in French with their little friends which make them good model for them.
In social studies, we started the new unit on Ontario. We began by identifying on a map what is around Ontario. In sciences, we also started the new unit on structure. We began by filling out the first part of chart (SDA: je sais, je me demande, j'ai appris). Then we learned about asking good questions with the proper French structure.
We were in charge of the January Assembly (we did it early February). The students prepared amazing posters on perseverance using French sentences. Everyone loved the posters.
Almost everyone has finished with the Art project with the mountains and the watercolour paint. The results are fabulous . The students are really proud of themself.
14 février: Report Cards go home
15 février: PD Day no school
18 février: Family Day no school