lundi 21 janvier 2019

Semaine du 14 au 18 janvier 2019

Bonjour ,

This week, the students continued to work on publishing their Santa Claus story. They worked on the illustrations and on the cover page. Most of them have almost finished. Here is some examples:

We used some time to revise for the Social Studies quiz (on Tuesday January 22th). So we discussed about what are the main ideas of what we have learned about the pioneers. We underlined specific informations to study.

Skating Forms went home on Friday January 18th. We are going skating on February 1st, 8, 22 and March 1st from 11:30 to 12:50. Please let me know if you would like to come to help, you are more than welcome.

In Art, the students learned how to draw like Vincent Van Gogh, using different lines.

We have started to do active pause during the day as the students got the routine so well. They know that after the active pause they have to go back to work right away. :)

Scholastic forms have been send on Friday. If you would like to order some books, you can either send me your order with a check to Scholastic or you can find my name under the school to order online.

January 25th is a PD Day (no school for students)

lundi 14 janvier 2019

Semaine du 7 au 11 janvier


Bonne Année ! Happy New Year! Welcome back.

This week was a great week. The students remember all the routine so it was an easy week back to school.

This week, in reading, we worked on our new goal: reading with fluency. Which means that we can read like with talk. We did some small activities to recognize what level of fluency the reader is doing. Here is the anchor chart with the different levels. We are looking for level 3 .

In writing, we are working on publishing our Holidays stories to make a small book. Focusing on good printing skills, correcting plural, capital letters and periods. Correcting also the words for the list that we made to help us with more specific words.

In sciences, we revised as a group for the quiz that we did on Friday. The students did really good.

The students chose a personal objective (instead of a resolution) and wrote strategies to help them attain their goals. This is part of the learning skills (to be able to sets own individual goal and monitor progress towards achieving them). You are welcome to discuss with your child what goal he/she chose and what are his/her strategies.

In Physical Education, lots of strategies were made in order to win the game. It was amazing to see all that beautiful collaboration.