mardi 24 novembre 2015

Lots of activities


Next week will be a busy week with lots of French activities outside the school. This is an awesome opportunity for your family to be part of the French community in Charlottetown. 

On Wednesday December 2nd at Carrefour de l'Isle-St-Jean (French school) there will be a free show with Féeli Tout at 6:30pm. Some of the students will know her from last year. 

The next morning, Thursday December 3rd at the Carrefour de l'Isle-St-Jean from 6 to 9 am there will be the French radio  broadcasting live. They are collecting food donation and you can have a free breakfast. I will be there around 7:15am. Come eat breakfast with me.

lundi 23 novembre 2015

La phrase


Here a Thinglink that we did today to explain how to write a sentence.

lundi 9 novembre 2015

Chanson de Noël

Christmas is coming sooner than we think. We have chose our French song. We are practicing in class. If your child would like to practice more here the link to our song. 

Au royaume du bonhomme hiver :

lundi 2 novembre 2015

Résultats de l'élection


We announce the results of our mini election for the grade 2. Only 4 minister and 1 prime minister was chosen. Some of the participant were a little bit disappointed, which is normal. But we will have another election in the spring to change the ministers.

The results are:
Prime Minister is Kaia.
Minister of Education is Alexis.
Minister of Justice is Daniela.
Minister of Environment is Lauren.
Minister of Technology is York.

Merci beaucoup to all the participants and all the voters.

mardi 27 octobre 2015

La fabuleuse aventure de Patatouf


So for the animation of the beginning of the ''La fabuleuse aventure de Patatouf'' we used the App called Shadow Puppet.  
It is a great App because it is easy to use and there is many effect that we can add to our project.
The student did an amazing job on that project. Here the result. Enjoy. 
La fabuleuse aventure de Patatouf

lundi 19 octobre 2015



In the next few days we will be trying something new in our classroom. We will be having a mini-election for the grade 2. Our class will be electing four Ministers for the year. The campaign will last one week and students will vote on October 27th. Tonight, if your child was interested in becoming a Minster, he/she brought home a paper. This is poster that they can make (which are optional). On Tuesday October 27th, each student running a campaign will present their speech (1-2 minutes per candidate). The reasons behind this new initiative are to have students take an active role is decisions and learning, collaborating with peers/teacher and to encourage responsibility. Elected students must be a good role model. My hopes are the students will look out for each other (in a positive way), bring new ideas to make the classroom a better place and also to encourage students to play an active role in school.

Each Minister will be assigned a role (justice, education, environment and technology). It will be the Ministers responsibility to bring discussions from their pairs to the Ministers table.

I will be guiding students through the election and guiding the elected candidates in their role. If you have any questions or suggestions, please do not hesitate to ask! 

samedi 17 octobre 2015

Anime Histoire a Twitter project


Our Twitter project is developing as each class is creating a part of the story. Mme Houle's class from Drummondville in Québec wrote an awesome beginning:

Patatouf dessiné par Daniela.
Dans une mer chaude d’un bleu turquoise, un requin nommé Patatouf cuisine un gâteau. Il adore les desserts, particulièrement le gâteau au chocolat, qu’il croque avec ses dents pointues. Miam miam! Comme il est gourmand! Patatouf met son gâteau au four. Il se demande ce qu’il peut faire en attendant de déguster son dessert favori. Il est seul et n’a pas d’amis avec qui jouer. Il a alors une idée! Il décide d’écouter la chanson Let it go de la Reine des neiges avec ses écouteurs. C’est sa chanson préférée! Il met donc ses nageoires sur ses écouteurs et danse de façon originale. Sa danse est exceptionnelle!

We were in charge of the story's trigger situation (élément déclencheur). The students had very good ideas but we had to agreed on one. Here our trigger: 

Patatouf aime tellement Let it go qu'il ferme les yeux quand il danse. Il commence même à chanter très fort. La musique est très forte dans ses oreilles. Il n'entend pas du tout.
Tout à coup, la porte ouvre et un voleur entre dans la maison de Patatouf. Le voleur trouve que ça sent très bon. Il voit le gâteau dans le four. Il ouvre le four et il prend le gâteau de Patatouf. Puis, il s'en va très vite.
Patatouf enlève ses écouteurs pour aller vérifier son gâteau au chocolat. Il ouvre le four...
Patatouf est très fâché. Il part à la recherche de son gâteau.

The 3rd and 4th class to participate are Mme Nancy's class from Québec andMme Catherine' class from Vancouver. They will be doing the twits and turns of the story. Mme Estelle's class from France will be writing the end.

We have to do the animation of the beginning of the story. If everything goes well (because it is a new app for me to use) we will be doing the animation using an App called Green Screen
In the beginning the main character is listening to the French version of Let it go. We will be singing just a part of the song. Here the part to be learned and: 

Cache tes pouvoirs, n'en parle pas
Fais attention, le secret survivra
Pas d'états d'âme, pas de tourments
De sentiments

Libérée, Délivrée
Je ne mentirai plus jamais
Libérée, Délivrée
C'est décidé, je m'en vais
J'ai laissé mon enfance en été
Perdue dans l'hiver
Le froid est pour moi,
Le prix de la liberté.

Next week will be super fun ! 

lundi 5 octobre 2015


Voici les caractéristiques de l'automne. Here the interactive picture of fall.

vendredi 2 octobre 2015



In math, we are using tens and units to learn place value. We made our names with tens and units and ask other classes on Twitter to count the tens and units.

lundi 21 septembre 2015

Le festival du livre (Book Fair)


This week is the French Book Fair at the school. It is taking place in the Library. On Tuesday 22nd, from 2:40 to 6 pm, is the Family event. If you spend 25$ in books at the fair you will receive 1 FREE book ! Parent can visit the fair at anytime but be sure to check in at the office.

Have a French book fair at the school is a wonderful opportunity to encourage French reading. Plus, every 10$ you spend at the Festival up to 6$ comes directly back to your school !

See you there :)

jeudi 17 septembre 2015

About the split class


Here some links about split class:

1- Combined Grade Classrooms

2- ELSB Combined Grade Information for Parents

It was great to meet most of you during the "Meet the Teaching Night".

dimanche 13 septembre 2015

First week


The first week passed by so fast !  :)
The grade 2 were great model for the grade 1. They are helping each other.
The grade 1 did awesome work. Lots of French were spoken
I'm very impressed by my new students. I loved them all already.  :)
 Here a sample of what we did last week. Great drawing, awesome writing ! 

This week, we are continuing to work on the routine to reinforce the student's independency. 

Meet the teacher night is this Wednesday, September 16th, at 6:30pm. I can't wait to meet you all !

Have a great week  :)

mardi 8 septembre 2015

1re journée !


I have just one word: AWESOME! What a fantastic class that I have again this year. I am so bless. I can't wait to see them tomorrow. 


jeudi 3 septembre 2015


Bienvenue, Welcome in 2Z, the most amazing class of Spring Park ;)

In this blog, I will post useful information about what we are doing in class, on some App that we will used during the year. You will also find information about Math, French, sound, projects made by the students. 

This blog is an interactive tool. We will also be on twitter (@classe_Anabelle) doing projects with other classes from around the world! Please feel free to communicate with 2Z ! Learning another language is all about communication :)

Have an awesome school year!!!! See you soon! 

samedi 13 juin 2015

Puppet Pals


As a final project of our Farm theme, 1C have created small videos with an App call Puppet Pals.

                                     La ferme par Charly, Lauren et Ava D.
Le cochon et la vache par Kai et Christian.

La ferme des animaux par Johanna, Ava K et Emma.

La vache et la fermier par Nora et Gracie
Le cochon et le fermier par Elliott et Jack S.

La poule et le cochon par Kaia et Hallie.

La vache et le tracteur par Thomas et York.

La souris et le tracteur par Joséphine de Jack Y.

Papa canard et maman mouton par Cameron et Anna.

Le ballon par Kayleigh et Maddy. 

mardi 5 mai 2015

Puppet Pal App.


In 1C, we will be creating little vidéo with an App call Puppet Pal. It is easy to use and super fun. 
By creating vidéos, we are touching a lot of learning outcomes in communication and writing ( because we will be writing the vidéo's scénario before) . 

Here what Joséphine and Jack Y. created for us today: La princesse et le chevalier